缴税时间马上就要到了. 一笔健康的退税不是很有用吗? 好吧, here are steps you can take now to boost your tax refund when you file after the first of the year.

  1. 详细列出扣除项目. 
    The standard deduction is $12,400 for those filing as single or married filing separately. If you are married and file jointly, then the standard deduction is $24,800. It can be tempting to claim it rather than tracking down receipts and 税收的形式s so you can itemize your deductions. But itemizing might be worth it if you are a homeowner with a sizeable mortgage, 向慈善机构捐钱捐物, 或者在你贷款的时候支付积分. 如果你是一个教育工作者, you can deduct up to $250 of school supplies even if you don’t itemize deductions. Start gathering information right away, so you’ll have everything ready at tax time.
  2. 申报教育费用
    如果你自己支付大学费用, 你的配偶或孩子, 两个教育学分可以帮助支付这些费用, the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and the 生活time 学习ing Credit (LLC). The AOTC is a partly reimbursable credit for 100% of the first $2,你所支付的教育费用,000美元和接下来的2美元的25%,000. The 生活time 学习ing credit (LLC) is 20% of the first $10,000 of education expenses. The AOTC is eliminated once your income exceeds $90,000 and the LLC at $68,000. 还有其他不同之处, so weigh your options carefully in deciding which credit to claim. 开始收集申请扣除额所需的资料, and consider prepaying tuition or other costs to get the maximum credit possible.
  3. 为你的“满屋”申请学分. 
    如果你的成年子女, their significant others and friends have come to live with you, you may be eligible to claim a $500 tax credit for non-child dependents you support if their income is less than $4,300. You can claim the credit for parents you support, even if they don’t live with you. Stick a note into your tax file (you do have a tax file, don’t you?) reminding you to look into claiming these credits at tax time.
  4. 向可免税的退休账户存钱.
    这是一种为你的未来存钱和提高你的退税的方法. If your income is under $65,000, you may qualify for a Saver’s Tax Credit as well. 这是同一种行为带来的三种不同的好处. 年底前为你的401(k)计划存钱. Though you have until the tax filing deadline to contribute to an 爱尔兰共和军, 如果你申请储蓄者税收抵免, 也要在年底前完成吗. 
  5. 扣除毫无价值的投资. 
    如果你有任何投资失败了, 在年底前卖掉它,并申报税收损失. If someone owes you money that you can’t collect, you can claim that as a bad debt deduction as well. Write a description of the debt that includes the name of the debtor, 债务的金额和到期日期, 以及你和债务人之间的任何关系. Describe the efforts you made to collect, and why you think the debt is now worthless. 

这里有一个额外的提示:按时提交你的纳税申报表. 在你提交纳税申报表之前,你不会得到退税. 但实际上, even if you aren’t required to file a tax return because your income is low, file anyway to claim your refund for taxes withheld and any refundable credits you are entitled to. If you wait more than two years to file, the IRS will not issue you a refund.

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The information in this article for general educational purposes only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. Please discuss your particular circumstances with an appropriate professional before taking action.
